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mini meetup


buildstation meetup is a simple meetup concept that is cost effective to run and has big marketing impact. buildstation core team ZxStim, Paulus and Dylan have ran a weekly meetup series adaptation called BUIDL Station in Vietnam with over 100 sessions and created a vibrant and healthy builder community in Ho Chi Minh city (Vietnam) and inspired other more adaptions in other cities. This style of meetup is great for networking and for any ecosystem builders/developer relations/developer advocates to undertake.

the host

Any buildstation meetup requires at least one person as host. The host is the key to the success of buildstation meetup. The host doesn't have to be a super technical person but the host should be a web3 native with deep domain knowledge of the crypto industry. It is preferable that the host to also possess extensive professional work experiences or entrepreneurship experiences. In addition, the host needs to be a good communicator with positive and relatable vibe to ensure a productive meetup environment.

meetup size

The ideal size this meetup style is 10 to 20 attendees. This allows the host to be able to move around different discussion groups and converse to all attendees. It's also not an issue if the meetup has less than 10 people, the host


It is vital that buildstation meetup to occur weekly. This allows the host to quickly iterate on moderation style and instills a habit within the attendees to come to the meetup. Regular attendees also become a good referral source for new attendees to join.


Depending on the cultural context, select a location that is affordable, food and drinks are available as refreshments for attendees. Ideally, the venue should not charge for venue rental, only food and drinks cost (which is a lot less than venue rental).


The host should be keeping tabs of what's going on right now in the crypto space, both internationally and locally. This includes major events, announcements, discussions, controversies, etc. These can be potential topics for discussion during the meetup. At the same time, the host should monitor the community groups to check on and resolve all the questions, or requests from the attendees. buildstation suggests using Telegram or Discord for the community group but the host can choose his/her preferred social platform.


The host should welcome all attendees to their seats in the venue and always initiate a small break-the-ice activities or introduce newcomers to others. The meetup does not have a speaker, nor a pre-defined topic so it's up to the host to maintain the conversions going. Often times, the attendees also break out into smaller discussion groups on their own so the host can move around between discussion groups and keep the energy vibrant. At the same time, the host should be keeping tab on any negative behaviors like harassment or bullying to interfere and resolve the issues.


Make sure to take adequate amount of photos during the meetups for social media posts. This is a cost effective ways to keep track of previous meetups and a fun way for the community to engage. The host should also collect feedbacks (if any) from attendees to improve the meetup further.

sample meetu