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hacker house


a hacker house is a great way to bring together a group of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs to ship something. within the context of a devrel campaign, hacker house can be organized regularly (like monthly) for continuous exposure, or as a one-off event to kickstart a new devrel initiative, or as a side event during a larger conference.

the host

it is vital that the host of the hacker house is a technical web3 native. the host should be able to provide technical support, mentorship, and guidance to the participants. the host should also be able to facilitate discussions, brainstorming sessions, and help the participants overcome technical challenges.


the venue for the hacker house should be spacious, well-lit, and equipped with high-speed internet (very important). the venue should also have ample seating, workstations, and whiteboards for the participants to collaborate and work together.

platform of choice

buildstation recommends using GitHub in combination with a Luma event page. GitHub provides a collaborative environment for developers to work together, share code, and track changes. Luma allows the host to create a dedicated event page for the hacker house, where participants can register, view the agenda, and access important information.